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                Safe and efficient Accurate service

                One-stop service of lifting, loading and unloading, transportation and installation

                inquiry hotline
                inquiry hotline15827334151

                What services does Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading and Unloading Co., Ltd. provide?

                Source: Time:2021-12-30 11:53:55 views:

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading and Unloading Transportation Co., Ltd. (Hubei Jiatong Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.) can provide users with a service company that integrates lifting, handling, plant removal, and truck rental. Elevators, escalators, containers, printing equipment, large stone handling, handicrafts, high-altitude hanging baskets, high-altitude lifts, high-rise equipment hoisting, underground machinery relocation, large steel bridge installation, loading and unloading tower cranes, factory and mine relocation, enterprise relocation, units Relocation, piano handling, air-conditioning hoisting, machinery, machine tools, precision instruments, printing presses, transformers, generator sets, cooling water units and other large and small engineering services.

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading and Unloading Transportation Co., Ltd. (Hubei Jiatong Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.) is a professional lifting and lifting company that provides large and heavy machinery up to hundreds of tons in high-rises and basements for enterprises of all sizes. In place, provide enterprise unit relocation, office relocation, factory relocation, equipment lifting and hoisting, ATM teller machine shift transportation, laboratory relocation, factory relocation, steel structure hoisting, machine instrument container, large hoisting, large car crane rental, Forklift leasing, large-scale enterprise relocation, equipment installation and transportation. Plant hoisting, mechanical equipment hoisting, precision equipment up and downstairs, heavy machinery shifting, large equipment hoisting, in-position correction, large equipment transportation, supermarket billboards in all walks of life Hoisting, foundations, roads and bridges, equipment in place; steel structures, signs, and air-conditioning units of super high-rise buildings; precast pile transfer, pile crane removal, tower crane disassembly and assembly. Plant dismantling, machinery and equipment removal; container removal and packing; air compressor, central air-conditioning, elevator, large tank lifting, loading and unloading square piles; steel structure installation; dismantling, security, and inspection of all bridge cranes ; Overall hoisting of large grid structure; hoisting work in industrial, civil and installation engineering, garden construction and transportation engineering, hoisting, unloading, shifting, moving and positioning of small, medium and large equipment and other items that need to be lifted , With high-quality professional relocation organization and independent implementation capabilities.