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                Safe and efficient Accurate service

                One-stop service of lifting, loading and unloading, transportation and installation

                inquiry hotline

                Product Center

                Cover all kinds of equipment accessories and containers, a comprehensive category

                With ingenuity and qualityAccurately grasp the needs, special components create value


                The company has commanders and security officers, etc.


                Can customize lifting schemes for customers.

                进@ 口数控设备

                One-stop service for lifting and installation.


                Professional services have won the trust of many companies.


                Win recognition with strength

                14 years of lifting experience Safe, efficient and professional

                In the past 14 years, the company's professional and high-quality services have won the trust and praise of many companies.

                Every orderCan deliver on time

                The company has 25-90-ton truck-mounted cranes (front and tail cranes), mainly imported from Germany Baohui and Italy Yifa; 3 to 16 tons of motorized forklifts; 12-meter heavy-duty trucks and 17-meter special low-platform trucks .

                Cooperation with many large enterprises Good reputation High reputation

                Cooperative enterprises: Wuhan Haier Sheet Metal Stamping, Jinfeng Punch, Haitai Injection Molding Machine, Wuhan Mega, Hengfa Technology, Wuhan Fiberhome Technology, Dongfeng Honda and many other large enterprises.

                Support comprehensive and caring good service Worry free

                We can customize reasonable lifting, loading, unloading and transportation optimization solutions for customers to meet various needs of customers.



                about us

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading, Unloading and Transportation Co., Ltd. was established in May 2007. It is a company engaged in equipment hoisting, unloading, lifting, relocation, transportation, installation, forklift leasing, precision machinery and equipment packaging, vacuum packaging, wooden packaging, export inspection-free packaging The professional company has branch offices in Shanxi Jincheng, Henan Zhengzhou, Jiangsu Kunshan and other regions.
