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                Safe and efficient Accurate service

                One-stop service of lifting, loading and unloading, transportation and installation

                inquiry hotline
                inquiry hotline15827334151

                company profile

                Jiatong Company Profile

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading, Unloading and Transportation Co., Ltd. was established in May 2007. It is a company engaged in equipment hoisting, unloading, lifting, relocation, transportation, installation, forklift leasing, precision machinery and equipment packaging, vacuum packaging, wooden packaging, export inspection-free packaging The professional company has branch offices in Shanxi Jincheng, Henan Zhengzhou, Jiangsu Kunshan and other regions.

                For 14 years, the company has always adhered to the principles of honest management, loyal service, and the supremacy of credibility. Based on the market, professional and high-quality services have won the trust and praise of many companies.
                Our company provides customers with safe, efficient and accurate lifting, loading and unloading, transportation, and installation one-stop service. In the Hubei field, our company has cooperated with many large enterprises, professional manufacturing equipment manufacturers and many international logistics companies:
                        Wuhan Haier sheet metal stamping, Jinfeng punch, Haitai injection molding machine, Wuhan Mega, Hengfa Technology, Wuhan Fiberhome Technology, Huayuan Electric, Zhongyuan Electric, IBM, Foxconn, Jinniu Pipe Industry, Wuhan Liansu, Jiangan Depot, Dongfeng Visteon, Yangtze River Tunnel Project, Wuhan Hutchinson Plastic Products Co., Inergy Automotive Systems (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Wuhan Yapp, Hubei Sanhuan Hanqi, Shenlong Motors, Dongfeng Honda, etc.