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              1. <blockquote id='poPiUF'><q id='poPiUF'><noscript id='poPiUF'></noscript><dt id='poPiUF'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='poPiUF'><i id='poPiUF'></i>

                Safe and efficient Accurate service

                One-stop service of lifting, loading and unloading, transportation and installation

                inquiry hotline
                inquiry hotline15827334151

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading, Unloading and Transportation Co., Ltd. (Hubei Jiatong Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.)

                Source: Time:2021-12-30 11:55:37 views:

                Wuhan Jiatong Lifting, Loading and Unloading Transportation Co., Ltd. (Hubei Jiatong Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.) is a company engaged in high-end precision equipment hoisting, unloading, lifting, relocation, transportation, installation, forklift leasing, precision machinery equipment packaging, vacuum packaging, Professional company for wooden packaging and export inspection-free packaging. The company has 25-90-ton truck-mounted cranes (front and tail cranes), which are mainly imported from Germany Baohui and Italy Yifa; 3-10ton motor forklifts; 12-meter heavy-duty trucks and 17-meter special low-platform trucks . According to various special lifting operation requirements, the company specially customizes different special lifting tools to serve customers. The company has more than 100 well-trained, experienced, and special operation licenses for cranes and heavy lifters; more than forklift drivers; 15 crane drivers; and many professional and technical personnel such as cable commanders and safety officers. The company has always adhered to the principles of honest management, loyal service, and credibility first based on the market.

                The company's service features mainly include:
                The company has long been engaged in large-scale equipment relocation projects, has strong factory relocation capabilities, has rich experience in equipment disassembly, installation, and special operations, is familiar with the structure of various large-scale equipment, and is proficient in various equipment disassembly, lifting, transportation, relocation, Positioning and installation technology, self-prepared various disassembly, hoisting, transportation and moving, positioning tools, technical expertise, so that customers can be satisfied and assured. When the company operates large-scale equipment loading and unloading, digging cabinets, upstairs, pits, high-altitude hoisting and other difficult projects, it can formulate reasonable lifting, loading, unloading, and transportation for customers to meet various needs of customers. Our company provides customers with safe, efficient and accurate lifting, loading and unloading, transportation, and installation one-stop service. In the Hubei market, our company cooperates with many large enterprises, professional manufacturing equipment manufacturers and many international logistics companies.

                Previous:Already the first article

                next:Common sense of hoisting operations
